Elias Moberger
Web developer specialized in web applications
I create performant front-end applications with vanilla JavaScript or frameworks as React and AngularJS and back-ends with Node.js or PHP.
I love working with user interfaces and responsive web design with the total user experience in mind.
When coding I prefer to keep it simple, minimize dependencies and keep the code readable, maintainable and linted.
ikea.comConsultant at IKEA, working with a custom CMS and generation of pages using server side React, Web components, CSS-in-JS, accessibility, performance, Node.js, Akamai ESI Includes and AWS.
Axis Communications AB
www.axis.comConsultant at Axis, working with responsive web applications with offline support using JavaScript, LESS, React and AngularJS.
artefacts.ioFounder of Artefacts.io, a site where artists can sell and rent art, users can find art to buy or rent and follow artists.
The site is an isomorphic JavaScript application built from scratch with vanilla JavaScript (no dependencies), Node.js backend and SMACSS CSS-architecture.
Parental leave
From January to August
Axis Communications AB
www.axis.comConsultant at Axis, working with responsive web applications with offline support using JavaScript, AngularJS, LESS and Bootstrap.
I worked with Axis Product Selector, Axis Accessory Selector and Axis Site Designer.
Tactel AB
www.tactel.seConsultant at Tactel AB, working with responsive web applications using JavaScript and the AngularJS framework, SASS and SMACSS for CSS and Grunt as build system.
Example project:
TV Everywhere Hybrid App
Windows (Phone) 8 app for Sonera Viihde over-the-top tv service. Hybrid app combining the best of native and Html5/JavaScript worlds. Watch live tv, rented movies or play library on your mobile device.Position Research AB
www.positionresearch.seDual language HTML5/CSS3-website. PHP backend combinded with Single Page Application and embedded JSON-data.
Edling Research AB
www.edlingresearch.seDual language HTML5/CSS3-website using microdata annotations. PHP backend combinded with Single Page Application and embedded JSON-data.
Carl Magnus
www.carlmagnus.seResponsive HTML5/CSS3 website with microdata. Visitors with modern browsers use the HTML5 history API and JavaScript to navigate without loading any additional html-data from the server. Static pages are generated with PHP for old browsers and search engines.
www.writeurl.com, GithubI'm one of the creators and front end developer of the web open source application Writeurl. It's an online collaborative text editor. I have created the user interface with JavaScript and graphics/layout with CSS3 and SVG icons.
Nosy Bee market research projects
I'm the Project manager for market research projects at Nosy Bee. We use our in-house developed software to deliver web surveys, raw data, tables, reports and analysis, to customers like:
Our work with Norstat includes a large CAPI project with a web survey coded with multiple languages and with multiple market research institutes making interviews. We delivered raw data (SPSS), tables and open ends.
Edling Research AB
We've created a number of web surveys for Edling Research with several thousands respondents each. We've delivered analysis, weighting, indices and tables.
Nosy Bee survey responsive web application
I'm one of the creators and front end developer of the responsive web application Nosy Bee. It's a modern, highly customizable, simple and efficient web survey and survey results reporting application.
The website is created with HTML5/CSS3. The web application is coded with JavaScript both front end and backend (Nodejs).
EC Solutions consultant database with CMS
www.ecsolutions.seA MySQL database was designed to store consultant profiles in several languages. The consultants can sign in and update their personal details. The admins can export PDF profiles and the data is used for profiles on the public website. The CMS is a web application developed with vanilla JavaScript on the front end, PHP on the backend and built with Gulp.js.
Morgan Ferm website
www.morganferm.seHTML5/CSS3 website with animated JavaScript navigation and Microdata for SEO.
Ann Hillberg website
www.annhillberg.comHTML5 website with flexible layout and a custom CMS backend.
EC Solutions website
www.ecsolutions.seHTML5 website with a custom CMS backend and LinkedIn integration.
Consultant via EC Solutions
www.facetimemedia.seFront end developer for Facetime Media AB. I worked with the development of a web application using mainly JavaScript and Jquery.
Freelance with the same tasks as the GfK employment below.
Amber Biosciences
www.amberbio.comFront end developer and web designer. Worked with JavaScript, HTML5 (geolocation, HTML5 tags and input types, local storage, history api, microdata, canvas, video/audio etc), CSS3, AJAX, graphical design, interaction design and responsive design.
Employment as a Data Analyst and Web Programmer. Experience of software like Confirmit Authoring, Confirmit Reportal, SPSS, SPSS MR and Quantum.
I was responsible for programming, execution, data analysis, and reporting of web surveys with internal and external customers. I also worked with development of software and processes.
Freelance web projects
Heleneholms IF Tri Team, Morgan Ferm Design, Malmö Triathlon, Notebook Design, Sargasso, Fredrik Modin MTB, TradeMark Design, Anders Lundquist Design, Heleneholms IF, Brunnby Gård, Melrose, Berggrens Källare, Statoil, Exensor, Formadera, Maskinia, Krossia, TradeMark Design, Medicon Valley Alliance, iBalans, Mats Rydstern, BF Fridhem, Proed.
The above projects are created with PHP and a custom Content Management System with MySQL databases. Some projects include special features built with JavaScript and AJAX.
Imperial College, London
Exchange studies, molecular biology
Lund University, Lund
One year Master in molecular biology/bioinformatics, including biology, chemistry, genetics, statistics and programming.
Military service, P7, Revingehed
9 months fire management specialist.
Polhemskolan, Lund
High school degree with natural sciences.